FAQ - a quick overview of commonly asked questions.

Here we answer a few of the most frequently asked questions. If none of these are what you're looking for then please feel free to get in touch with us by email at: contact@catalogues247.co.uk.

Why use a catalogue?

Catalogues are a great alternative to other stores simply because they offer a much larger range of products, from clothing to gardening equipment. They also provide credit options for those who wish to pay later or spread the cost of their purchases. This is highly convenient and makes catalogues ideal for anyone who struggles to save.

Do catalogues offer free delivery and returns?

Yes. Many catalogues offer free delivery and free pick-up for any unwanted and unused items. You can also ask for next day delivery although there is likely to be a small charge for this.

How do I apply for a catalogue credit account?

It is very quick and easy to apply for a credit account with a UK catalogue. Simply go to the catalogue site and visit their credit options page. You can usually find this using the navigation on their homepage or you can see our catalogue list where we will direct you straight to it. Here you can read the terms and conditions and apply for a credit account. You will, of course, need to be a UK citizen, have a UK address, and be over the age of 18.

What payment options do catalogues offer?

Most catalogues offer multiple payment options including credit/debit card online or over the phone, direct debit, at the post office or through your bank, or even via post with a cash or cheque.

What if I miss a payment?

If you miss a payment you may well have to pay a fine, however, if you are aware that you're likely to miss a payment, always contact the store first and make them aware of your situation. With some negotiating you may be able to get away with a fine and set up a more convenient payment schedule.

What credit options do catalogues offer?

Most UK catalogues offer a few credit options for their customers to choose from. These include buy now pay later and spread the cost options.

What is buy now pay later?

Buy now pay later let's you get your items immediately and pay for them at a later date. This can be as long as 12 months and sometimes even longer depending on the cost of the item.

What is spread the cost?

Spread the cost allows you to split your payments into smaller installments. Most catalogues will offer you a pay monthly payment plan, and some even offer fortnightly or weekly payment plans too!

What if I have bad credit?

If you have a bad credit rating you may find yourself being refused a catalogue credit account. With our wealth of experience within the catalogue market we have developed a clear understanding of which catalogues are most likely to approve you. See our bad credit catalogues page for more information.

How do I improve my credit rating?

Initially it is a good idea to determine what is causing you to have a low credit score in the first place. You can do this by applying for your credit report from a credit agency like Experian. Once you've found out this information, you can begin to repair your credit history by paying off any outstanding debt or fixing any inaccuracies on the report.